Monday, January 01, 2018

Another "Another Year, Another Beer" - A 2017 Recap

A year ago today, I posted a bunch of words on BillyBlog.

This is what I communicated:

"BillyBlog is on life support.

You used to be able to google "BillyBlog" and this site would be up in the top five relevant hits. No longer is that the case.

But why should it be otherwise?

I posted five times last year, starting January 1 and ending on January 11.

BillyBlog was pretty much moved to irrelevance in 2007, when I created Tattoosday as a feature, which then evolved into its own entity.

Tattoosday is in its tenth year and recently went on a bit of a hiatus.

A lot has changed in ten years. My blogger editing panel is littered with the corpses of blogs that I have tried to launch as side projects over the years.

I am not resolving to do anything with these vehicles, as resolutions seem to fail me; or I seem to fail the resolutions, year after year. However, I am setting a goal in 2017, and it is an ambitious goal that I already acknowledge, is unlikely to succeed in its entirety.

I want to post something daily, whether it be here, or on Tattoosday, or on any other of my side projects. Notice, I do not say will, but want.

We shall see if this gives us better results.

Here's to the optimism of a new year!"

So, a year later, what do I have to look back on? Let's compare 2017 to 2016.

Tattoosday in 2016: 127 posts
Tattoosday in 2017: 135 posts

So, slight improvement there! Hooray for me.

What about BillyBlog?

BillyBlog in 2016: 5 posts
BillyBlog in 2017: 94 posts

Wow! Hooray for me! What's even more exciting is that, I posted 61 times from 2010 to 2016, combined. Granted, many of these posts were copied as "Crazy/Funny/Cool Shit My Aunt Sends Me," but hey, a post is a post.

Also, check out Umbrellacide:

Umbrellacide in 2008: 52 posts
Umbrellacide 2009-2016: 33 posts
Umbrellacide in 2017: 74 posts

Talk about bringing it back to relevancy!

I have also been catching up on the Beer Book Blitz blog, catching up to 2016's conclusion (almost) and still have material for 2017, to be posted retroactively. (Update to follow)

I only managed one "We Lost a Poet" post. There's another still waiting in draft purgatory.

What is truly impressive (to me at least), is that I also archived my daily musings from Facebook naming silver linings to the cloud of the Trump presidency. 349 published in all of 2017. Again, many are short and pithy, but others are not. So, bully for me!

In the end, not counting silver linings, I did miss 60 days, all between August and December, on which there were no Tattoosday, Umbrellacide or BillyBlog postings. However, compared to 2016, I am way ahead of the game.

So, here's to continued success in 2018. Starting with this post. Cheers!

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