Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Audioslave - Revelations

This is a post I wrote in 2008. Better late than never.

Audioslave has a new album, just out on September 5.

Earlier this Summer, an advance track from the disc, hit the blogosphere, and the reaction was lukewarm.

The track, "Original Fire" didn't impress me much when I first heard it, and the general consensus from those out there with music blogs was that the song was kinda weak, especially for Audioslave, which has a pretty loyal following.

For those of you unfamiliar with Audioslave, just know that they are a "supergroup" in the sense that they are fronted by Chris Cornell,

one of the most amazing singers in rock today, and the former voice of Soundgarden (and Temple of the Dog), accompanied by Tom Morello,

the guitarist whose signature sound made Rage Against the Machine sound like, well, Rage Against the Machine.

Earlier last week, I was reading a favorite music blog which has been mentioned before here, I Am Fuel, You Are Friends. The woman behind the blog, Heather, spoke highly of the new record and posted, alas, un expired link to one of the newer tracks. However, based on her recommendation, I went over to iTunes and downloaded the album Revelations.

It's definitely worth the purchase, and I recommend it highly. It rocks.

If you want to hear "Original Fire," jump on over to their MySpace page here. That song is streaming and you can also hear "Be Yourself" from their Out of Exile album.

Some other links to check out:

"Seasons" by Chris Cornell, from the Singles soundtrack, via Binky the Doormat.

"Gasoline" by Audioslave, from their eponymous debut, via Lil Mike's Last Known Thoughts & Random Revelations.

"I Am the Highway" by Audioslave, from the same album, via Veritas Lux Mea. They also have "Be Yourself" here.

Buy the new Audioslave here.

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