Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bookpeeping - 2013 Edition

Kids, a long time ago, it seemed that everyone was reading books on the subway. Now it'a all Candy Crush and tablets.

Yesterday I tried to do a little bookpeeping. That is, I tried to spy on what those rare book readers were perusing.

I had a bit of success as I traveled from Lower Manhattan to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

On the Z train (yes, there is a Z train):

The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams:

Then, after transferring at Canal, on the platform waiting for the N train, a gentleman was reading The One and the Many: Collaborative Art in a Global Context by Grant Kester:

On the N train, I spotted The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer:

When I transferred at 59th Street for the R in Brooklyn, I saw a woman reading The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant:

And then, on the R train, on the home stretch, I saw a woman reading How Does it Feel to be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America by Moustafa Bayoumi

I hope you've enjoyed this latest incarnation of biliophilic voyeurism that I call Bookpeeping!

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