Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Tattooed Poets Project: Nikoletta Nousiopoulos

Today's poem is from Nikoletta Nousiopoulos:

the dream he won’t get out of

white walls are free wings

blank open me’s
there is no voice but heart-fires

                  or the way he sounded before I heard myself speak

shocked surged in daydream
                                                        that “other world”

where I tread words, sometimes
to trip out of dream is to fall and skin
                        the knees

Nikoletta Nousiopoulos holds a MFA in Poetry from New England College. Her poems have appeared in elimae, South Jersey Underground, 2River, and Harpur Palate. She was a 2010 finalist for the Philbrick Poetry Award, and was a winner of the 2009 Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize. Her first book all the dead goats was released in 2010 from Little Red Tree Publishing.

Please head over to Tattoosday to see one of Ms. Nousiopoulos's tattoos here.

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