Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Tattooed Poets Project: Jackie Sheeler

Today's poem comes to us from Jackie Sheeler, who appeared last year on BillyBlog as part of the Tattooed Poets Project.

The New Yorker Fashion Issue

They strike me hard tonight, those sexy girls
gripping cell phones and voluptuous

decanters of cologne in their perfect fingers.
Moist and open-mouthed, as if another

tongue flicked across the plump low
lips beneath their Prada hems and slim

lace boundaries of panty—the best lick
coming just as the camera-eye winks.

Lipstick and fishnets, lizard handbags, jeans:
page upon page of orgasmic totems

that our own newly-dampened crotches
are meant to insist we must buy.

Be sure to head over to Tattoosday to see Jackie's latest tattoo here.

Jackie Sheeler is a poet, musician, and performance artist in New York City. You can also read her blog, Get Angry With Me, here, or visit her band, Talk Engine, on MySpace Music here. Her other site is being redesigned and the new site is launching later this week.

Thanks again to Jackie for returning to BillyBlog!

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