Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Tattooed Poets Project: Daphne Lazarus

Today's poem was contributed by Daphne Lazarus, whose work has appeared previously in Holly Rose Review. Be sure to check out her amazing tattoo over on Tattoosday here.


the epilogue

You, the omnipresent phantom,
A spectral apparition
Transfigured into
The bleeding azure sunrise,
The Pebble lodged in my shoe,
The glint of the bohemian crystal vase I use as a pencil holder,
Sound waves resonating forth from a melancholic song,
Reverberating heart throbs,
The affable Chimera in my siestas,
A beguiling Incubus traversing my dreams.

You morphed yourself into,
Photographs of white landscapes and alpenglow,
The zenith, the celestial sphere,
The Marrow in the bones of my lunch,
Orbs after a dry spell,
Quivering heat wave over the parched tarred road,
Jubilation after a serendipity,
Therapeutic sounds of running water,
The pungent aftertaste of ecstasy,
In the smell of the earthen rain.
Flux, constant flux

We will forever be antipodes,
Dwelling on opposite sides of the earth
Syzygies in a perpetual orbital dance,
Careening and meandering around the moon.

But now,
Analogous to a shapeless formlessness
A verisimilitude, a semblance we are.

To delete and obliterate from lucid minds,
The evils of nostalgia
A soggy quagmire.

An epilogue to our epic Ramayana.

Daphne was born in Singapore. She received her BA (Hons) in Arts Management from LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore in 2009. She has curated several contemporary art exhibitions featuring emerging Singaporean artists and an exhibition featuring art works of pioneer Singapore artists from a permanent collection of an art institution. Daphne writes for a tattoo website at in collaboration with tattoo artist Shane Tan. She was also one of the event organizers for Singapore’s first body suspension show in conjunction with the first tattoo convention in Singapore.

Daphne’s passion lies in writing about art and tattoo culture and has several articles featured in several contemporary art publications. She has also written a thesis on tattoos for her undergraduate study. She will be pursuing a Master’s in Art History at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London.

Daphne is not a poet by profession, but she uses it as a tool for catharsis. She has published literary works mostly in contemporary art journals and aspires to be an art writer and art historian.

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