Thursday, October 15, 2009

Divorce by Billy Collins

I am just finishing Ballistics by Billy Collins.

Toward the end of the book is this gem of a poem:


Once, two spoons in bed,
now tined forks

across a granite table
and the knives they have hired.


  1. Billy's a master -- it's a great one!

  2. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Just finished the book, and that poem jumped out and grabbed me as well. Billy Collins is the best.

  3. mbhebert1:58 PM

    Ouch. I'm both a knife and a BC fan. This stings.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Cam anyone help me understand in deeph ehst this poem is saying? What is the overall theme? Figurative language? Writting style?

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

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