Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Tattooed Poets Project, Day 9: Gina Myers

Today's poem is from Gina Myers:

Self-Portrait as a Mirror

Hello empty space, hello
constant shifting--

little disaster, little idea
of home always somewhere
out of reach. You might

think edgier. You might think
this is not the way. Perhaps
something else. Something sharper
or shinier, some undefined other.
But no, this is not so.

Do not be deceived--

these words can cut
glass. This emptiness

inside a frame. This emptiness
is more than you would know:

infinite regression, or a reflection
of a white wall, little bird,
little how-do-you-do.

Gina Myers lives in Saginaw, MI, where she edits Lame House Press and serves as Reviews Editor for H_NGM_N. Her most recent chapbook is Behind the R (ypolita press 2008), and her first full-length collection, A Model Year, will be published by Coconut Books this summer.

Please be sure to check out one of her amazing tattoos over on Tattoosday!

And here's two more poems of Gina's over at MiPOesias Magazine.

Thanks to Gina for participating!

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