Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Tattooed Poets Project, Day 19: Adam Deutsch

Today's poem comes to us from Adam Deutsch:

Natural Wonder

1972 MGB drops chunks
of rusty floor
at a parking spot above
the Grand Canyon.

Local girl brings me
a blood orange and a rose
she’s fashioned from tin foil.

There should be a dance with her,
a margarita
for thousands of years of majestic
erosion we witness,
a cataclysm honored,
glorious perpetual weather,
unhelped or stopped.

A draft of this poem previously appeared in a publication called The English Record.

Adam Deutsch is originally from New York, and has an MA from Hofstra and an MFA from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in No Tell Motel, Coconut, Juked, Rain Taxi, and Anti- among other places. Formerly of the Ninth Letter editorial staff, he is currently the Critical Prose Editor of Barn Owl Review and is the founder/editor of Cooper Dillon Books. He lives in San Diego, CA.

Please check out a couple of his many tattoos over on Tattoosday here.

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