Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Two-Bit Ride

Today I was determined to make up for the paltry rides on Wednesday and Thursday. I picked up my bike at work (where I left it yesterday), rode up Sixth Avenue to Central Park, where I did a circuit. The photo above is looking out over the Reservoir.

At 4.1 miles, I tried catching the sun through the trees to the east,
but it wasn't that interesting, so I snapped an extra shot looking north:

Once I completed a circuit, I rode south, braving Times Square, took Broadway to 5th Avenue, where I turned at the Flat Iron Building. I stayed on 5th to Washington Square Park where I turned left at the arch and caught back up with Broadway, which I rode to the Brooklyn Bridge and then puttered around in Brooklyn.

I ended with a 25.05 miles, the longest ride since I started the 41-consecutive day project earlier this month.

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