Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Ride of Frankenstein

Nothing to do with Frankenstein, just liked the pun.

Well, I certainly surprised myself, riding every day in July, except for the two days when I was just a 40-year old.

I have two 4.1 mile photos today. I call them "Far and Near". The first is a shot, looking back as a Carnival cruise ship glides past the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge:

Seeing the cruise ships regularly at this time reminds me of my friend Tony in Los Angeles, being able to tell how he was doing on time during his daily commute by his placement on the 105 freeway in relation to a Korean Air Lines 747 descending daily into LAX.

The "near" is just a close-up of some flotsam. Or jetsam. I'm not sure how to tell the difference:

The tally for the day, 7.64 miles.

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