Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 13 and a Little Personal History

Less than 12 hours from yesterday's ride, I was not only out and about, but rode a little more. 7.18 miles, to be exact. I'm tired, but I feel good. There's something energizing about riding at dawn and seeing the first light illuminating Manhattan:

And here's today's 4.1 mile picture:

And now for a little digression.

Last Friday, I shared with my Weight Watchers meeting what I was doing on the bike and my leader, Maggie, gave me nine "Bravo" stickers to honor the first nine days of the current journey. I've placed them on the bike for some additional inspiration.

I got the bike for my birthday in 2002, a gift from my Mom, and I started doing longer rides that fall, including the New York Century Bike Tour (I did the 35-mile route) and the Tour de Bronx. I remember people being skeptical that I could do the ride. At the time I remember being puzzled as to why.

Of course, in hindsight, this was why:

That's the best/worst "before" picture I have. In July 2003, I recall going out for a morning bike ride, dropping the kids off at their summer camp program, and heading to the subway.

I stopped and grabbed a bite for the train. I was hungry from my ride and I wanted to try this new thing they called a "McGriddle" at McDonald's (460 calories, 21 grams of fat). So much for that exercise.

That night, Melanie brought home a Weight Watchers scale, because she had ended one meeting series and needed to take it to another location. Melanie became an employee of the company after losing 65 pounds.

I stepped on the scale, expecting to see a hefty 220. I wasn't sure when I last had weighed myself, probably the doctor's office.

I couldn't believe the number that popped up. 235.6 pounds.


I told Melanie that the scale must be broken. She stepped on and said "Nope, it's working fine."

I started Weight Watchers on line that night, started going to meetings in August, and by March of 2004, was at my new goal weight of 179 pounds.

Of course, the journey was a bit more difficult than that, and it continues to be.

I'm currently hovering about five pounds over my goal weight after sliding back to about 200 over the winter.

The bicycle has always been a key to my weight loss success, and I am looking forward to being back at that magical 179.

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