Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fortieth Birthday Post #13: Burning a Post for the Hell of It

Well, this little birthday experiment seems to be going well. This will mean 28 down, 12 to go. I have had many good tidings from friends and family alike today, which is nice, and only a couple of major issues at work to deal with. Fortunately, I was out when the police showed up to respond to a 911 call one of our employees apparently/allegedly made unwittingly.

I didn't think I could muster up and assemble 40 posts in one day, but with only a dozen remaining (after this one). It seems quite feasible, although y'all may see some liveblogging birthday posts between now and the end of the evening. Hopefully I've kept you entertained, or will be entertaining you in the moments to come, depending on your perspective.

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