Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Damn! I Missed National Mullet Day. Again!

Last Tuesday, July 2, was apparently National Mullet Day. I'm way beyond celebrating that, but will pay homage to the mullet in what I called, at the time, a "Vanderpool":

This was taken in May, 1988, the day I decided that the "Vanderpool" wasn't as successful a babe magnet as I had imagined, and de-mulleted myself:
Mullet-less, my love life soon improved. In fact, I wonder, had I been still mulleted four months later, in September, what would the future Mrs. Billyblog have thought? Not much, methinks, not much.

However, if you like mullets, check out the Mullet of the Week, here.


  1. you'd think that it being the day before such an important day you would remember this one...

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    For the record... Bill was mullet-less when we started going out.
