Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Classic Appreciation

So I posted here earlier this week about that John Ashbery book ad earlier, from the Paper Cuts blog, and I got to thinking. The first of the dozen or so ads they included in the slide show was for Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The blog noted that a signed first edition of the book, which sold for $4.95, runs as high as $18,000.00.


But that got me to thinking about the others in the series. Since all of them have prices listed, I thought I would do a little research on a book search engine and see how these books compare to the Kesey appreciation. Because of the vast range for book prices based on condition and other factors, I chose the top prices for signed copies. If I won the lottery and wanted to buy these books, these are the copies I'd choose.

Here goes. I ordered them from those with the least value to the highest. Kesey's book will round it out.

Making It by Norman Podhoretz
[No price in ad]
Signed 1st edition: $33 (1 of only 2 copies available online) from Truepenny Books, Inc., AZ


Do You Sleep in the Nude by Rex Reed

$4.95 (3rd printing)
Signed Edition: $45, Curio Corner Books, TX


Hanoi by Mary McCarthy
$2.45 (pb)
No signed copies available, First British Edition: $50, Wayward Books, MA


An Education in Georgia by Calvin Trillin
Signed 1st Edition: None available for sale
Unsigned 1st Edition: $55 from MW Books, Ltd., New York, NY


Play It as it Lays by Joan Didion
$5.95 (4th printing)
1st Edition (No signed 1st editions available): $60, Warwick Books, South Pasadena


Sadness by Donald Barthleme
Signed British edition, $90, Joseph the Provider, Santa Barbara


August is a Wicked Month by Edna O'Brien

Signed 1st Edition: $95 from Jeffrey Bergman Books, Fort Lee, NJ


The Eye-Beaters, Blood, Victory, Madness, Buckhead and Mercy by James Dickey
$4.95 (hardcover), $2.45 (paperback), $15.00 (limited edition)
Limited Edition: $110, George S. MacManus Company, Bryn Mawr


We Are Everywhere by Jerry Rubin
$4.95 (hardcover)
$1.95 (paperback)
No signed 1st editions available, $125 hardcover 1st edition, Black Dog Books, NJ


The Bat-Poet by Randall Jarrell, pictures by Maurice Sendak
Signed 1st Edition: $200 from riverrun bookshop, NY
This is signed by Sendak only. No Jarrell-signed copies on the market.


The Benefactor by Susan Sontag
Signed 1st Edition: $250 from Royal Books, Inc., Baltimore


The Pump-House Gang by Tom Wolfe
$5.95 (4th printing)
Signed first edition: $429, Flatsigned Books, Nashville


Three Poems by John Ashbery
$5.95 (hardcover)
$2.25 (paperback)
Signed 1st edition, $500 (hardcover), Compass Rose Books, Kensington, CA


Naked in Garden Hills by Harry Crews
Signed first edition: $682.50, Vagabond Books, L.A.


The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe
$5.95 (5th printing)
Signed first edition: $700, Contact Editions, Toronto


The Third Life of Grange Copeland by Alice Walker
Signed First Edition: $1320, Bella Luna Books, CO.


Outer Dark by Cormac McCarthy
Signed 1st Edition: $5000, Waverly Books, Santa Monica


Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72, by Hunter S. Thompson
Signed First Edition, with additional signature by Ralph Steadman, $6500, Ken Lopez, Bookseller, MA


The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
Signed 1st Edition: $7475, Charles Agvent, Bookseller, PA


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
Signed 1st Edition: $17,758.27 from Adrian Harrington Rare Books, United Kingdom


So there you have it, a total exercise in fantasy and wondering. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did putting it together.

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