Thursday, May 10, 2007

Who We Are

So, what is BillyBlog, anyway?

I am not trying to sound pretentious, but I am always looking at this home to my ramblings in some greater context.

Even BillyBlog's tagline, "Food for the Creative Imagination" is vague.

If a reporter stopped me on the street and asked me if I was a blogger, after acknowledging that I am, I would have to say BillyBlog is a poetry and music blog. That is based on the assessment that more than 50% of what I write about falls under those two categories.

I already posted a poem this morning from the subway, and I am highly likely to send you over to Heather's to hear the Chris Cornell concert from last night that premiered some of his new songs.

But this enterprise is a personal one as well. It would likely be more personal if I didn't get so many hits from people overseas who arrive at BillyBlog after googling the name of a porn star that coincidentally matches the first and middle name of an old college friend. All linked from a post from October 2005.

But, as American Idol judge Randy Jackson says, "I'm just tryin' to keep it real, dawgs."

It is interesting to look daily at my traffic and spot trends. I can tell when NPR airs Billy Collins poetry, because I see a jump in connections linking in from google searches of the poet.

The world wide web is an amazing thing.

I always encourage loyal readers (I know there are at least a few of you) to leave comments, or send me an e-mail. Feedback is always appreciated.

Y'all keep on coming back now, you hear?

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