Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weird Coincidental Found

Walking down 32nd Street, subway-bound, I spied a bit of color on the ground. I stopped. I stared. I was intrigued. Like a crow that sees something shiny, it doesn't take much to distract me. This is what I saw:

No biggie, right? Well, I picked it up and unfolded it. I stopped mid-stride. I recognize a coincidence when I see one, and my surname is much more common here on the East Coast than in Hawai'i, but still. Not to mention the first name:

Nothing earth-shattering, I know. Any other name of a realtor at a prestigious Hoboken realty company, and it would have been unblogworthy. But his name is as close to my spouse's as can be without being it exactly.

1 comment:

  1. Bill!

    Thanks so much for the mazel tov, but it was a stupid joke that I now regret playing because several people were nice enough to take it seriously.

    My sparkly rock is schist, transported from the Norwalk Islands to decorate my garden. I feel SO bad for misleading people that way!
