Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cubs 10, Mets 1

Ugly loss for the Mets. Exciting game for the Cubs fans.

So the Mets lose a nasty one, but at least it was a nice night for a game. Temps in the 70's. Breezy. Article about the game here. Most memorable was this:

That was Aramis Ramirez hitting a monster grand slam (Newsday referred to it as "spectacular") off Scott Schoeneweis. When the ball was eventually thrown back onto the field from deep in the left field mezzanine, the obnoxious, drunken, foul-mouthed Cub fan next to me boasted, "At Wrigley, they throw the ball back faster". Granted, New York fans are not known for their calm demeanors. Melanie pointed out, correctly, that at Yankee Stadium, such fan exuberance would have resulted in a spirit-dampening barrage of verbal abuse. Here's shoddy footage of the drunken Cub fan. You have to wait until the end of the clip when the Cubs turn a double play and she practically assaults the guy seated in front of me:

Carlos Zambrano pitched a great game, with all due respect.

Despite the home run he gave up to Shawn Green, he pretty much stymied the Mets batters. Kudos to Mr. Green though.

Because he hit a home run in the bottom of the 5th inning, one fan left the game with a vacation to Barbados.

(Note: Three posts below are live-blogged from the game)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    That is not what I said. I said, "In the Bronx, she would've gotten her ass-kicked in the top of the second for being so obnoxious." She is very lucky Mets fans are much more mellow. And she is very lucky that when she left she rubbed the head of the man in front of you, if she had touched any of us....

    My apologies to the Rabbi if he is reading.
