Saturday, April 28, 2007

Say Cheese! (And Other Interesting Tidbits)

I have taken part, for a while now, in the blog of the Bay Ridge Jewish Center. It's a humble little blog, whose counter reflects fewer hits than I get in a week. I'm not saying I'm a big dog, some blogs get more hits in a day than I do in a month. It will be interesting to see what happens. The main contributor to the blog posted a story about the loss of kosher certification to Junior's of Brooklyn, purveyors of some of the finest cheesecake in the land. With Shavuot approaching, this has made some folk mighty verklempt. The story was even picked up by the online version of the Jerusalem Post here. Oy, gevalt!

Sticking with a Jewish theme, my poem for Professor Liviu Librescu got reposted recently over here. Even though I suspected this might happen, it's still a little breath-taking for me to see complete strangers finding inspiration from my words. I'm not Melinda Doolittling here, honest, but that initial reaction is still, wow.

And check it out, over at the Ancient One's blog, here, he appears briefly in a commercial. I never realized the Cohanim were a Native American tribe! Equally great news is the fact that googling the phrase "Ancient One, Blessed Be He" will show you Dear Old Dad's link first. Mazel Tov!

This has been quite a religious post! I am sad to say, in a sense, that the Poetry in Motion project, which has gone so well, is winding down. Three more posters to go. I must add, however, in the interest of full disclosure, that the Sandburg poster is no longer in my possession. When I heard that eldest daughter Jolee was reading Carl Sandburg in her 5th grade class, the poster was immediately donated to Mrs. Silverman at P.S. 104. She's apparently a big Sandburg fan, and Jolee has reported it is placed prominently over the door to their classroom.

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