Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Links for April

Well my injury (more on that later) hasn't impaired my ability to type. So, taking advantage of BillyBlog's most prolific month ever (this will be post #83, double that of last April), here are some links to send you out.

Good news for Warren Zevon fans (of which I am one). There's a new book, and a new double-disc commemorating his life. The New York Times review of the book here.

And the disc? Early, uncollected, unissued, rare tracks on Preludes. Click link to read the review on Amazon describing how this record was made.

Picked up 4 items at the library recently:




and most interesting, perhaps:

Part Asian, 100% Hapa Portraits by Kip Fulbeck

Check out Kip Fulbeck's website (click link above) and see these samples, and more:

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