Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday Morning Mouthful: Papahanaumokuakea

Monday morning:

Riding the "R" train composing this on the way to work. Listening to the 808-TALK Hawaii podcast, as they report on First Lady Laura Bush announcing the name Papahanaumokuakea of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Monument. Read more about this news item here.

I would like to thank all the anonymous visitors who have enjoyed the two most recent "Poetry in Motion" posts I have offered up from the New York City subway system. (They are here and here). Often, in the blogosphere, it feels like no one can hear you scream. It is very satisfying to get thanks from complete strangers on the "service" I provided.

Podcast has ended, now listening to Lucinda Williams' 1980 album of old blues and traditional song covers, entitled "Ramblin'."
Not sure if I have mentioned it here, but I snagged tickets to see Lucinda on March 23 at Radio City Music Hall.
I've switched to the "N" train. Pal Jill, friend of BillyBlog, will be accompanying me to the gig. Despite snagging "cheap" seats, in the upper mezanine, I am excited to get to hear Lucinda perform. Her new album, "West," is getting mixed reviews from critics, but I am faling on the positive side. A group called The Heartless Bastards is supporting, and you never know who will roll onto stage as a surprise guest in the Big Apple.

In other news, Eddie Vedder will be introducing R.E.M. as they are inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. Check this song out, a cover of Pearl Jam's song "Long Road," by R.E.M., with Vedder joining on vocals. It's bootleg quality, but still a decent recording:

Listen: "Long Road" (mp3) at the Crocodile Cafe, courtesy of an Italian fan
site here.

Beautiful sunrise visible this A.M. as the N crosses the Manhattan Bridge.

For those American Idol fans complaining about the lesser-talented singers surviving the vote, while better singers are kept on by the viewing public, remember this: "American Idol" is at its core a reality TV show masquerading as a singing competition. By the way, I'm going to sell out
and just mention Antonella Barba, and gather some extra hits from indiscriminate googlers.

Two stops away from 34th Street, so I'll wrap this up. Happy Belated Purim to all!

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