Thursday, December 28, 2006

2006: Best of the Year in Review Summary Capsule Recap, part 1

For the last month or so, I have been reading bloggers' "Best of" lists for the year that has passed. Most of them have been Top 10 Album lists, and I have wanted to follow suit, in a sense, but have held off.

Until now.

Therefore, let's send out the year with a comprehensive BillyBlog special Best of '06 list to end all lists. Feel free to agree or disagree in the comments section. This may continue into a multi-section post. Hello all friends and family members who are now checking out BillyBlog because I plugged it in the Cohen Family Newsletter! I hope you can't stop returning. For those of you who haven't received your newsletters yet....they're on the way....really, they are....

Now, on with the show.

Best Album:

"Well, duh!" say my loyal readers. And I'll spare you all lengthy analysis. Just this: I listened to this more than any CD this year, I loved it more than any CD this year. To hear me kvell further, click here for my greater explanation. Most of the links in that post are probably expired, so I'll leave you a video of a performance of "Comatose," from the mini-concert they webcast after appearing on the "Late Show with David Letterman." If you listen closely, you can hear me cheering at the end. I was in the room, but that's another best later on...

Best Movie (that I saw):

I didn't see many this year. And the ones that I did were geared towards minors. So the field is limited to begin with, but I posted about my selection in September here. The film:

Best TV Show:

I am a total television junkie. I watch too much TV, thanks to a demonic and exalted device known as the DVR (TiVo to you brand purists). So, I will not name 24, Lost, The Office, or The Daily Show, which are all my favorite shows. Instead, I will give a shout-out to the most pleasantly-surprising new show that tops this "Best" category:

"The Class"

Here's a clip from one of my favorite episodes this year. The premise for the show is that there are eight friends who went to elementary school together. They end up all being interconnected in typical, yet freshly humorous, fashion.

The Class airs Mondays on CBS at 8:30 PM.

Best Book:

No, not that! The Totally Unrelated Book:

Read why I thought it was so great here.

Seriously, it's hovering on the outskirts of my top 20 list, throwing pebbles at the windows.

To be continued....

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