Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Top 20 ?????

About halfway through my top 20 book list, I realized that this day would come. I have no further books to list on the top 20. What to do? What to do?

Beginning in the near future, I will begin a new top 20 list. I will be counting down my favorite "albums" of all time.

By "album" I mean an original collection by an artist released in record or CD form.

My list will follow the same guidelines as my book list. Only one spot per artist. You can relax, there won't be more than one Pearl Jam CD, if any at all. Emphasis will be given to albums that were integral to my development and growth, so expect to see some fine metal bands from the 1980s represented.

The list is not complete yet, but will be by the time the list begins meandering through the annals of BillyBlog.

Meanwhile, look for my top 20 Books to appear soon on the sidebar.

On a digression, tonight begins Passover, and I hereby honor the greatest rock song ever written about the important holiday, Metallica's "Creeping Death" from the Ride the Lightning LP.

Metallica's guitarist, Kirk Hammett, was key in composing the song, and as a result of that and a photo I once saw of him wearing a Hebrew Coca-Cola shirt, I always thought he was Jewish. Apparently, I was wrong. Kirk is Buddhist, and the song was written originally when Kirk was with his band Exodus (nice coincidence). It was inspired by the movie "The Ten Commandments." You can learn all about the song here at Encyclopedia Metallica.

Happy Passover!

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