Friday, February 10, 2006

Meet Bill Cohens or, Who I am Not

A little fun with ten Bill Cohens:

Bill #1

Dr. William C. Cohen, Doctor of Osteopathy, Orange, California

Bill #2

William W. Cohen, PhD., Computer Science, Associate Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

Bill #3

William S. Cohen, 20th Secretary of Defense, January 24, 1997 - January 20, 2001

Bill #4

William D. Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Hunter College (CUNY)

Bill #5

William Cohen, Painter-Portraitist (Self-Portrait Shown)
from his website:
William Cohen is not a professional painter in the classical meaning. Born in Tunis, he was an art student for four years, before starting to work as an architect in the Tunisian Ministry of Reconstruction.

Then, after leading a very busy professional life, William Cohen gave himself the right to paint, first of all portraits (they are his specialty) then reproductions of famous Masters, a field in which he is excellent (Renoir, Monet, Dali, George de La Tour. He is also keen on animal themes and landscapes.)

Bill #6

William Cohen, C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professor of Law, Emeritus, Stanford University

Bill #7

DR. WILLIAM J. COHEN, Dentist, Chicago, Illinois

Bill #8

William S. "Bill" Cohen, Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Kentucky

Bill #9

William A. Cohen, PhD, Major General, USAFR, Ret., President, The Institute of Leader Arts

Bill #10

William Cohen, Historian, Professor Emeritus, Hope College, Holland, Michigan


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