Friday, January 13, 2006

BillyBlog Looks Inward

BillyBlog is having a rough week. BillyBlog is hypersensitive. BillyBlog is jealous. It has "hit-envy". BillyBlog is conflicted because it knows it underachieves. BillyBlog does not feature well-researched multi-linked, controversial articles that people talk about around the water cooler. BillyBlog knows people read it, sees the counter approaching 2000 hits, and understands that's not 2000 people, but still, it's 2000 hits. BillyBlog sees other blogs, the Big-Man-On-Campus blogs and realizes they are well-hit and well-read because they are venerable and/or irrevererant and/or smutty, which makes them so popular. It is high school all over again for BillyBlog. BillyBlog sighs. BillyBlog knows it has a small, loyal following and appreciates its readers and wishes them many joyous returns. BillyBlog would love more comments, but realizes that people have lives and don't always feel compelled to comment and that BillyBlog shouldn't take it personally. BillyBlog recommends people re-visit "The Thong Remains the Same" and let him know if they even think that was even remotely interesting. BillyBlog worries that, since he posted it on Saturday, no one read it, except for one nice person from Florida who posted a comment. BillyBlog worries that it may sound like it's whining, but it isn't, because blogs can't whine. BillyBlog is depressed , also, because the Blogger spell-check tool always recommends replacing "BillyBlog" with "volleyballs". BillyBlog just figured out how to change the color of text, so BillyBlog should be more colorful in weeks to come. BillyBlog hopes all the colors show up when he posts it. BillyBlog thanks you for listening to its insecurities and must sign off for now. BillyBlog wishes you a happy holiday weekend, except for all the readers in Arizona. By the way, BillyBlog says, as an afterthought, Arizona gets a bum rap on that one. Arizona voted to enact Martin Luther King Day in 1992 and in 2000, Utah became the last state to recognize the holiday by name. And, BillyBlog adds, and in that same year, South Carolina becomes the last state to make MLK Day a paid holiday for all state employees. Until then, employees could choose between celebrating it or one of three Confederate-related holidays.

BillyBlog hopes to see you tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous11:38 AM


  2. BillyBlog also tends to overreact and faced with the prospect of cleaning up cat vomit, combined with the foghorns sounding in the early Brooklyn morning, BillyBlog felt a little down.

    BillyBlog wasn't fishing for adoration, just validation, and extends an apology if it appears that BillyBlog was just crying out to have its ego stroked.

  3. Only in the states.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    umm why the picture of our basket of apples and oranges?

  5. Billyblog all better now?

  6. Just moodiness. I am a Cancer and there was a full moon. Thanks for indulging my insecurities.
