Thursday, December 22, 2005

Stee-rike Three! They're STILL out!

Sadly, many New Yorkers, some fueled by prejudice that runs deeper than daily routine, think jail is too good for Toussaint. And now, as this article in The New York Times reports, here comes our old friend Mr. Race Card. I'm sure the Post cover, of a man of color behind bars, will further infuriate the critics.

Ah, the Post took the low road, while the Daily News aimed a bit higher.

Either way, it sucks, although difficult commutes are punctuated, if timed right, by moments of brilliant spectacle, courtesy of Mother Nature. I had my camera with me yesterday as I made my way across the Brooklyn Bridge. Here are some more personal shots than what you see in the media:

And what else can you say about this sunset?

I took these while walking so the vantage point changes as the sun goes down. In the one above, there's Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty waving her torch at us.

Everything but the green flash. The arched structure in the distance is the Bayonne Bridge, which connects Staten Island to New jersey.

Anyway, more mind (and leg) numbing stats:

Yesterday's trip home, leaving around 4:00, arriving around 5:20----

11.79 miles

Average Speed 8.64 MPH

Total trip time 1 hour, 21 minutes

Top speed 19.3 MPH

This morning:

11.52 miles

Average Speed 10.86 MPH

Trip Time 1 hour, 3 minutes

Top speed 18.9 MPH

I estimate that, since Tuesday morning, I've logged approximately 58 miles.

Oh yeah, it's warmer today, reports currently 29 degrees and feels like a balmy 24.

We have been fortunate with the weather. One wonders if the strike might have been shortened had we had inclement weather, which would have further infuriated commuters. As I write this, negotiators have returned to the bargaining tables, so we may see some progress today.

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